Karen Anderson’s Distant Star Astrology and Tarot
Star Solutions
Since the dawn of time, women and men have looked up at the starry heavens, regarding with wonder the dance of the stars and the planets. For millennia, the connection between astrology phenomena and earthly events has been honored. Allow Karen and Distant Star to provide Star Solution for you!
Astrology provides information about you – your talents, your career, your finances, your children. The stars are excellent for timing – when to buy, sell, marry or start a business.
Tarot Insight
78 cards are more insightful than 52! With Tarot, the minor arcana is joined to the major arcana of greater secrets. In a museum in France the Tarot of Marseilles from the 15th century reveals part of the history of this oracle. The Tarot answers questions ranging from “Should I buy the red shoes or the green shoes?” to “Which spiritual path should I pursue?”
Tarot symbolism derives its multi-dimensionality from the archetypes in the collective consciousness. Allow Karen’s Tarot cards to provide insights for you in all areas of your life – career, love, money and messages from the divine.
Past Life Guide
Karen has the gift of seeing past lives. She will reveal past incarnations for you. She can guide you to core past lives, relevant to your current life. She can allow you to connect past life abilities and strengths to other lives or to this one in order to weave lives together synergistically.